2020 Legislative Session Week Three

The General Assembly returned to Gold Dome for the third week of the 2020 legislative session on Monday, January 27th. The House convened on the House floor to take up business and spend time in our committees and subcommittees to listen to testimonies of area experts...

2019 Legislative Session Week Four

Week 4 of the 2019 Legislative Session began Tuesday, February 5th and came to a close Friday, February 8th. We have completed 11 days of the 2019 Legislative Session and I am excited to be able to update you on what the House has accomplished so far! Nathan Deal...

2019 Legislative Session Week Two

The House reconvened Tuesday, January 22 for the second week of the 2019 Legislative Session. This week, the House and the Senate held joint Appropriations Committee hearings on this year’s budget. I have listed some key highlights of the AFY 2019 and FY 2020 budget...
2019 Legislative Session Week One

2019 Legislative Session Week One

The 2019 Legislative Session of the Georgia General Assembly officially began on Monday, January 14, 2019. During the past week, my colleagues and I completed legislative days 1-4 which leave us with just 36 days remaining for this legislative session. We are prepared...